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January 2025: Video presenation Tips to Better Litigate Defend Nursing Home Arbitrations

Written by Judge Abraham J. Gafni unless otherwise noted


April 2024: The Role of Appellate Mediation in an Era of Thermonuclear Verdicts by Michael Brophy

February 2024: Mediation’s Place in the Nuclear Verdict Era by Stuart T. O’Neal, III, Esq.

January 2024: Considerations of the Unauthorized Practice of Law in the ADR Process by Samuel S. Woodhouse, Esq.


December 2023: Were Mandatory Arbitration Obligations Assigned When the Company Was Purchased

October 2023: ‘Evident Partiality’ Will Lead to Vacating the Arbitration Award

August 2023: Equitable Tolling of the FAA’s Deadline for Vacating an Arbitration Award

June 2023: Review the Arbitration Providers’ Rules Carefully

April 2023: Four Joint Insurers – Does an Arbitration Clause Appearing in Only One Policy Control

February 2023: Is Your Petition to Compel Arbitration Barred by the Statute of Limitations


December 2022: Can Attorneys be Sanctioned if Their Client Fails to Appear at Mediation

October 2022: Arbitration Award Confirmed Despite Denial of Discovery and Evidentiary Hearing

August 2022: Are Mandatory Arbitration Clauses Enforceable Against Trustees and Beneficiaries

June 2022: What Is Required When Consent To Mandatory Arbitration Is Sought Online

April 2022: Does an Arbitration Provision Survive an Unenforceable Contract

March 2022: When Courts Grapple with Unsettled Precedent, Early Mediation May Be Worthwhile by Laurie Salitas, Esq.

February 2022: Beware When the Dates to File Motions to Confirm and Vacate Arbitration Awards Conflict

January 2022: Enhanced Role of Mediation 2022 Updated Stats by Michael David Brophy, Esq.


December 2021: Are the ADR Provisions in Your Contract and Subcontract Consistent

October 2021: Beware Asking the Arbitrator to Join in Settlement Discussions

October 2021: The Enhanced Role of Mediation as Courts, Counsel and Litigants Confront Delayed Trial Listings – by Michael David Brophy, Esq.

August 2021: Don’t Ignore the Mandatory Mediation Provisions in Your ADR Agreement

June 2021: Don’t Ignore the Procedural Requirements in Arbitration

April 2021: Don’t Forget to Finalize the Mediated Settlement Agreement

February 2021: Is Arbitration Confidentiality Lost When an Award is Filed

January 2021: Broken Halos: The Goal of the Mediator is to Balance Assessments – by Edward Gray, Esq.


December 2020: Unintentionally Granting Arbitrators the Power to Award Attorney Fees

October 2020: Must the Arbitrator, Arbitral Forum or Selection Process be Identified in the Agreement

August 2020: Setting the Scope of the Arbitrator’s Authority

June 2020: Must the Number of Arbitrators Selected by Each Side Be Equal

April 2020: Employers – Have You Carefully Reviewed Your Mandatory Arbitration Provisions

February 2020: Arbitrator Impartiality – What Should be Disclosed

January 2020: How Initial Demands and Offers Affect the Course of the Negotiations – by Edward Gray, Esq.


November 2019: Employee Acceptance of Handbook Arbitration Provisions – Part 2

September 2019: When Does an Employee ‘Accept’ Employee Handbook Arbitration Provisions

July 2019: Beware of Waiving ADR in Your Settlement Agreement

May 2019: What Satisfies the Requirement of a ‘Reasoned’ Arbitration Award

March 2019: Is That Decision-Maker an Expert or an Arbitrator

January 2019: Waiving or Forfeiting the Right to Arbitrate – Recent Cases Tackle Issue


November 2018: What Must Parties Understand When Agreeing to Arbitrate

September 2018: Resolving Ambiguities in the Arbitration Agreement

July 2018: Modifying an Arbitration Award Due to ‘Evident Miscalculation’

May 2018: Who Decides Arbitrability – Is it the Court or an Arbitrator

March 2018: What Notice Is Required for Mandatory Employee Arbitration

January 2018: What Litigators Need to Know About the Arbitration “Juggernaut” – by Hon. Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)

January 2018: Who Decides Arbitral Venue – an Arbitrator or the Court

January 2018: A Modest Proposal to Mitigate Sexual Harassment and Misconduct in the Workplace – by Hon. Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)


November 2017: Is This an Agreement to Arbitrate

September 2017: Does Your Dispute ‘Arise Under’ or ‘Relate To’ the Arbitration Agreement

August 2017: The Power of Apology in Mediation – by Hon. Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)

July 2017: Seeking Clarification of an Ambiguous Arbitration Award

June 2017: High Court Rejects State Exception to Federal Arbitration Act – by Hon. Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)

May 2017: Consequences of Breaching the Arbitration Agreement

April 2017: Debunking Arbitration, Mediation Myths in Health Care Litigation

March 2017: Avoiding Delay in Bifurcated Arbitration

January 2017: Six Arbitration Agreements – And No Arbitration

January 2017: Improving Access to Private Mediation for LEP Persons – by Hon. Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)


November 2016: What Happens if the Arbitral Forum or Arbitrator is Unavailable?

September 2016: What if the Party is Unable or Unwilling to Pay for Arbitration?

September 2016: What Litigators Should Know About the Mediation Process – by Judge Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)

August 2016: The Use of Mediation for Construction Accidents – by Ronald Sherr, Esq.

July 2016: Waiving and Reviving the Right to Arbitrate Disputes

May 2016: Unwittingly Submitting to Mandatory Arbitration Provision

April 2016: ADR in Medical Malpractice Cases – by Judge Thomas A. Wallitsch (Ret.)

April 2016: Converting Conflict to Resolution in Fractious Families – by Judge Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)

March 2016: Frivolous Arbitration – May Attorney Fees Be Awarded

January 2016: Can Mandatory Arbitration Agreements Ever Be Stricken

January 2016: Mediating, Judging With Pro Se Parties – A Balancing Act – by Judge Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)


December 2015: Losing the Right to Arbitrate by Engaging in Litigation

October 2015: Can Unconscionable Arb Provisions Be Waived and Severed

August 2015: Rights and Obligations of Nonsignatories in Arbitration Part II

June 2015: Rights and Obligations of Nonsignatories in Arbitration Part I

April 2015: Don’t Ignore the Details of the Arbitration Agreement

February 2015: Who Decides Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in Arbitration

The Cost Effectiveness of Mediation – by Judge Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)

An Insurance Tragedy – by Philip Hof, Esq.

Upgrade Your Case from Mediation to Guaranteed Settlement – by Philip Hof, Esq.


November 2014: Explaining Waiver of Court Trial in Arbitration Agreements

September 2014: Ruling Shows Difficulty Establishing Arbitrator Partiality

July 2014: Should Arbitration Agreements Fix the Time for the Award

May 2014: Will a Court Ever Order Discovery in Aid of Mediation

March 2014: When Do Superseding Contracts Impact the Right to Arbitrate

January 2014: Are There Restrictions on the Arbitrator Serving as Mediator


December 2013: When Are Arbitration Agreements Preempted by the FAA

October 2013: Do Arbitrators Have Power to Exclude Relevant Evidence

June 2013: Are There Limits to an Arbitrator’s Award of Interest

April 2013: Considering the Mediation Privilege in Awarding Legal Fees


December 2012: Beware of Waiving the Mediation Communications Privilege

August 2012: Mandatory Mediation – Avoiding Pitfalls by Complying With the Agreement

June 2012: Considering Unavailability When Drafting Arbitration Agreements

April 2012: Pretrial Discovery From Non-Parties in Arbitration Under State Law

February 2012: Pretrial Discovery of Documents From Non-Parties in Arbitration


December 2011: Considering How to Approach Opening Statements in Mediation

October 2011: Does the Mediation Privilege Apply in Legal Malpractice Cases

August 2011: Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel and Arbitration – Part 2

April 2011: Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel & Arbitration

February 2011: ‘Baseball Arbitration’ and the Trial of Socrates



January 14, 2025: Tips to Better Litigate and Defend Nursing Home Arbitrations


December 2024: Tried & True Tips to Better Litigate & Defend Nursing Home Arbitrations

November 2024: Attorney John Kent joins ADR Options

September 2024: Best Lawyers 2025 & TLI Best of 2024

April 2024: Attorney Peter J. Hoffman joins ADR Options

February 2024: Mediation’s Place in the Nuclear Verdict Era

January 2024: Considerations of the Unauthorized Practice of Law in the ADR Process

January 2024: Were Mandatory Arbitration Obligations Assigned When the Company Was Purchased


October 2023: ‘Evident Partiality’ Will Lead to Vacating the Arbitration Award

September 2023: In Memoriam – Michael Carney

August 2023: Equitable Tolling of the FAA’s Deadline for Vacating an Arbitration Award

June 2023: Review the Arbitration Providers’ Rules Carefully

April 2023: Four Joint Insurers-Does an Arbitration Clause Appearing in Only One Policy Control?

March 2023: Attorney O’Neal joins ADR Options

February 2023: Is Your Petition to Compel Arbitration Barred by the Statute of Limitations? 

February 2023: Mediation with Hon. Thomas A. Wallitsch (Ret.) Succeeds in Resolving Human Trafficking Case


January 2023: Attorney Tom Reilly joins ADR Options

December 2022: Can Attorneys be Sanctions if Their Client Fails to Appear at Mediation

October 2022: Arbitration Award Confirmed Despite Denial of Discovery and Evidentiary Hearing

August 2022: Are Mandatory Arbitration Clauses Enforceable Against Trustees and Beneficiaries

July 2022: What Is Required When Consent To Mandatory Arbitration Is Sought Online

May 2022: Vote ADR in TLI’s 2022 Best of Survey

April 2022: Does an Arbitration Provision Survive an Unenforceable Contract

April 2022: Attorney Salita presents at Aviation Law CLE

March 2022: Judge William E. Baldwin joins ADR Options

March 2022: When Courts Grapple with Unsettled Precedent, Early Mediation May Be Worthwhile

February 2022: When the Dates to File Motions to Confirm and Vacate Arbitration Awards Conflict

January 2022: Enhanced Role of Mediation Updated Stats


December 2021: Are the ADR Provisions in Your Contract and Subcontract Consistent

November 2021: Judge Marc Lovecchio joins ADR Options

October 2021: Beware Asking the Arbitrator to Join in Settlement Discussions

October 2021: The Enhanced Role of Mediation as Courts, Counsel and Litigants Confront Delayed Trial Listings

August 2021: Three Best of 2021 Awards

June 2021: Dont Ignore the Procedural Requirements in Arbitration

April 2021: Don’t Forget to Finalize the Mediated Settlement Agreement

April 2021: Art Hankin, Esquire joins ADR Options

March 2021: Thomas Brophy, Esq. Mediator

February 2021: Is Arbitration Confidentiality Lost When an Award is Filed

January 2021: Broken Halos, The Goal of the Mediator is to Balance Assessments


December 2020: Unintentionally Granting Arbitrators the Power to Award Attorney Fees

October 2020: Must the Arbitrator, Arbitral Forum or Selection Process be Identified in the Agreement

October 2020: Thomas Brophy Joins ADR Options’ Panel

September 2020: Virtual CLE with Judge Van Jura

September 2020: TLI Best of 2020

August 2020: Setting the Scope of the Arbitrator’s Authority

July 2020: How to select the best mediator for your case

June 2020: Must the Number of Arbitrators Selected by Each Side Be Equal

May 2020: TLI Best of 2020 Survey

May 2020: Mediation in Exile

April 2020: Manny Pokotilow presents CLE Audiocast

April 2020: Employers – Have You Carefully Reviewed Your Mandatory Arbitration Provisions

April 2020: Mediation and Arbitration Video Conferences

March 2020: Mediation And Arbitration From The Safety Of Your Home

February 2020: Arbitrator Impartiality – What Should be Disclosed

January 2020: ADR Options Announces Intellectual Property Neutral


November 2019: Employee Acceptance of Handbook Arbitration Provisions-Part 2

October 2019: When Does an Employee Accept Employee Handbook Arbitration Provisions

September 2019: ADR Awards and Recognition

July 2019: Beware of Waiving ADR in Your Settlement Agreement

June 2019: A. Roy DeCaro, Esq. joins ADR Options, Inc.

May 2019: Updates on ADR Options’ Judges

April 2019: Understanding the Insurance Company Pre-Suit CLE

March 2019: Is That Decision-Maker an Expert or an Arbitrator

March 2019: PA House Dem panel hears ways to improve harassment policies

January 2019: Waiving or Forfeiting the Right to Arbitrate – Recent Cases Tackle Issue


December 2018:  Fall Recognition

November 2018: Ed Gray, Esq. joins ADR Options, Inc

October 2018: Resolving Ambiguities in the Arbitration Agreement

September 2018: ADR Awards and Recognition

July 2018: Modifying an Arbitration Award Due to ‘Evident Miscalculation’

July 2018: George Saba, Jr., Esq. joins ADR Options, Inc

May 2018: Jill Snyder, Esq. joins ADR Options, Inc

March 2018: What Notice Is Required for Mandatory Employee Arbitration

March 2018: Twenty-fifth anniversary means 25% off ADR services

February 2018: What Litigators Need to Know About the Arbitration Juggernaut

January 2018: Who Decides Arbitral Venue – an Arbitrator or the Court

January 2018: A Modest Proposal to Mitigate Sexual Harassment and Misconduct in the Workplace


November 2017: Is This an Agreement to Arbitrate


September 2017: Panelist to donate portion of fees to Pediatric Cancer Research

September 2017: Lawyer of the Year and TLE Litigation Summit

August 2017: The Power of Apology in Mediation

July 2017: Seeking Clarification of an Ambiguous Arbitration Award

May 2017: Debunking Arbitration Mediation Myths in Health Care Litigation

April 2017: Avoiding Delay in Bifurcated Arbitration

March 2017: Twenty-four years of serving the legal community newsletter

February 2017: Six Arbitration Agreements And No Arbitration

January 2017: Improving Access to Private Mediation for Limited English Proficient Persons


November 2016: What Happens if the Arbitral Forum or Arbitrator is Unavailable

September 2016: What if the Party is Unable or Unwilling to Pay for Arbitration

August 2016: The Use of Mediation for Construction Accidents

July 2016: Waiving and Reviving the Right to Arbitrate

May 2016: Converting Conflict to Resolution in Fractious Families

April 2016: ADR in Medical Malpractice cases newsletter

January 2016: Announcements, Articles and Accolades

Edward Gray joins ADR Options Panel

Michael Brophy & James O’Connor join ADR Options Panel


August 2015: New Fee Schedules and Neutrals

June 2015: Welcome Judge Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.)

May 2015: What do you gain from a Mock Trial

March 2015: Robert Seiferth

January 2015: Hon. G. Craig Lord (Ret.)

How ADR can help your clients


November 2014: Philadelphia Nationwide Recognition for ADR Options

July 2014: Top in Customer Satisfaction

March 2014: 22nd Year of Resolving Disputes


August 2012: Announcing P. Douglas Sisk, Esq.

February 2012: Hon. Joseph Van Jura (Ret.)

January 2012: Hon. Robert A. Freedberg (Ret.)


December 2011: Domenic Sbrocchi, Esquire

September 2011: Justice John E. Wallace, Jr. (Ret.)

June 2011: Philip M. Hof, Esquire